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Online gallery. Pictures online. Artonlinebg.com



 They can lose some of the original color from the shift from the original size, but they still continue to be works of art. The exploitation of reproducible images doesn’t diminish our ability to grasp art. It is only a different manner in which we experience art beyond the walls of museums and original settings. The boundaries of appreciation of a unique piece of art are broadened.  Regardless of size, context or medium a reproduction favors our access to every imaginable piece of art. A great and easy way to stay close to art objects that we admire. Why not even create our own “private collection”?

Iva Shturkaleva

About us

The purpose of ARTONLINE is to offer you, the talented artist, a platform from which to sell your art online to the public.ARTONLINE is in the business of providing an internet service to artist customers to expose those artists' creativity on a world wide basis, and facilitate the opportunity for those artists to market their creative projects to a world wide customer base.

Sell art with www.artonlinebg.com

Information for buyers
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Online gallery. Pictures online. Artonlinebg.com